• 正在播放:费丽丝蒂 第一季-第13集
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    费丽丝蒂 第一季



    主演:凯丽·拉塞尔,斯考特·佛雷,斯科特·斯比德曼,格雷戈·格伦伯格,Tangi Miller 

    导演:Lawrence Trilling,哈瑞·温勒 


    • 第4集


    • 第08集

      夜访吸血鬼 第二季

    • 第10集

      海军罪案调查处:夏威夷 第三季

    • 第6集


    • 第06集完结

      牧师神探 第二季

    • 第06集

      牧师神探 第三季

    • 第2集



    费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.1费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.2费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.3费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.4费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.5费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.6费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.16费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.17费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.18费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.19费丽丝蒂 第一季 剧照 NO.20


      Felicity Porter为了追寻高中时暗恋的男友Ben,放弃了去斯坦福医学院的机会,来到3000公里以外的纽约只为了和Ben在一起。可是Ben连Felicity的名字都不一定记得起。面对离开父母后独立的新生活,真实的展现了大学生活,及Felicity和她的新朋友们步入成年后面对人生的种种重大选择。


     1 ) 看过第一季的几点感想











    喜欢TA 或者也爱TA ,但不是最理想的那一个。也爱TA便有留恋,不理想又不甘心,不是鸡肋也类似鸡脖子。






















     2 ) 美好中夹杂着遗憾 这大概就是青春吧

    事先说明 我是个实打实的#TeamNoel 所以其实我把它看完是很煎熬的 也不知道发了多少骂Ben的弹幕(这里teamben求不揍)

    但我来看这部剧完全是因为Keri Russell 或许她也是我坚持下来的理由

    她说过自己现在还很爱这个角色 然而我看到很多人说Felicity婊 我是不觉得 可能我没经历过什么感情纠葛 但我就是喜欢Felicity 第一 她太好看了 她不用那么努力就可以那么好看 惊艳时光的美

    这个派对上的她真的是言语无法表达的美 永远不会忘记这个造型

    再加上当时的年代 我都还没出生 一大堆只有小时候才有的东西 那种笨重的电脑 磁带机…整个片子对于我就是很有年代感 一想想有这么个故事在自己还没出生的时候发生 就觉得好神奇

    第二 她身上有很多我没有的东西 她学习好 很独立 也很坚定很勇敢 有两个男孩子爱着她 身边有这么一群超级棒的朋友 而且很浪漫 很感性 她真的是个值得被爱的好女孩

    第三 她身上也有我的影子 例如大学遇到的迷茫 不知道自己想要什么 F到大四了还在纠结这个问题 虽然我现在大一 但未来我或许也和她一样

    最后的几集F的穿越感觉有点多余 但是也有它的妙处 这是F对自己的大学生活 对自己的感情 以及这部剧本身的自我总结 当然 在我非常激动的以为F和N终于要在一起时 编剧又给我泼了盆冷水 导致原本应该是泪点满满的大结局 看到Ben被原谅 Noel又和别人结婚 我实在是感动不来 只是有一种恍惚感 仿佛我也和F一起做了个梦一样 毕竟是一口气看完四季 还是不希望这么结束的 尽管一路走来真的很多twists and turns 但是有爱的人怎么样都会在一起 注定的还是会发生

    当初来纽约是Felicity的头脑一热 这个决定其实真的很傻 但她还是收获了友情爱情 收获了美好的四年 收获了成长 所以有的时候人生就是需要冲动 青春就是需要冲动 才能精彩吧 一些看似很糟糕的决定 live with it 照样能带给你惊喜

    接下来的内容就是主观感受了 不喜欢就跳过吧

    我觉得Ben不值得原谅 他是有成长 但是还不够 配不上F 四季以来他不知道跟F道歉了多少次 结尾这一次又和前面有什么区别呢 F和Noel在一起的时候 氛围明显和跟Ben在一起不一样 Noel才是真正能给她快乐 保护她的人 他冒着生命危险把F从火灾中救出来 他送给F分手大礼包逗她开心 给她做牛排 陪她过一个人的生日 给她找工作 Noel默默付出了这么多 小心翼翼地守护 而Ben感觉带给F的只有麻烦 而且他每次犯错 说句Sorry就能被原谅 真的为Noel感到不值 所以即便大结局是他们在一起了 我觉得未来他们一样还是很曲折 毕竟还有个多出来的儿子 这件事以后会很麻烦

    这里我直接哭了 我太心痛了

    Anyway 这部剧还是很美好的 剧中的人故事还在继续 很高兴Keri在现实找到了自己的幸福

    或许很久很久以后 我就把这部剧忘了 忘了它的情节它的台词 忘了意难平 但有一些美好的碎片还是能回忆起 暖黄色的阳光 Dear Sally 那条红裙子 Dean&Deluca 神奇8号球 梅根的盒子 还有Keri Russell的笑…

    I will remember you,Felicity. Felicity Porter和周围的所有人


     3 ) [转] Felicity’s Ben or Noel Conundrum: How The Side You Took Predicted Your Entire Love Life


    Felicity’s Ben or Noel Conundrum: How The Side You Took Predicted Your Entire Love Life

    By Meghan Lewit

    There’s a rather famous deleted scene from the film Pulp Fiction in which Mia Wallace quizzes hit-man Vincent Vega on whether he’s a Beatles man or an Elvis man, whether he prefers The Brady Bunch or The Partridge Family, and other character-defining questions. “My theory is that, when it comes to important subjects, there’s only two ways a person can answer. Which way they choose tells you who that person is,” she states.

    I’ve always found this to be a profoundly wise observation. My own cultural litmus test revolves around the love triangle at the heart of the late ’90s college drama Felicity. Or, more specifically, Ben or Noel?

    The show, which first aired on the now-defunct WB network in 1998, starred Keri Russell (currently kicking ass on The Americans) as a good girl who thwarts her parents’ expectations by following her high school crush to college in New York City. (Also worth noting, Felicity was the first foray into television for a then-unfamous J.J. Abrams.) The show became a watershed cultural moment for me — partly because I was, at the time, at home in Illinois plotting my own escape to an East Coast university, but mainly because Felicity cemented my attitude toward romance for my entire adult life.

    As heroines go, Felicity wasn’t particularly cool. She studied a lot, clothed herself in an unending parade of giant fuzzy sweaters, and recorded long, embarrassingly earnest messages to her absent friend Sally on a voice recorder. For a smart girl, she made the dubious choice to follow an 18-year-old boy across the country. But viewers who saw themselves in Felicity understood that the move to New York was about much more than a guy — it was about making a brash stab at independence, about carving out a place in the world where her uncoolness and her romanticism and penchant for oversized wool could flourish. In her insane, ill-considered moment of bravery, Felicity became the patron saint of nice girls who got good grades, followed the rules and more or less listened to their parents, and sometimes wondered what the hell it was all for.

    And in the halls of the fictional University of New York, she found love in the form of two appealingly floppy-haired choices: Ben Covington (Scott Speedman), the mumbly, emotionally inscrutable crush she followed to college; and Noel Crane (Scott Foley), the charmingly geeky, nice-guy resident advisor. Although the Felicity love triangle came along before fans identifying themselves as “Team X” or “Team Y” had entered the vernacular, the Ben vs. Noel question became the basis of a four-season love triangle, the outcome of which can still spark heated debate among those who came of age at the turn of the millennium.

    As Felicity Porter felt like my fictional spirit sister back in 1998, so her love life has provided the framework of a theory that has guided my beliefs about romance for the past 16 years: that every straight woman in the world is either a Ben-girl or Noel-girl.

    Noel established his good-guy cred early in the show when he became Felicity’s confidante and Boggle partner. In the pilot, when Felicity is close to throwing in the towel on her New York adventure, he makes an endearing plea for her to stay:

    Photo: FanPop
    Photo: FanPop
    “You’ll be the fancy doctor, with the fancy practice. You’ll be married and you’ll have like four phone lines in your home. And then, boom, it’ll grip you like a blast of freezing cold air. You know, ‘what the hell is my life?’ And you’ll be able to trace it back to this instant…when that geek RA gave you [these] words of advice: stay in New York or perish.”

    From that moment we knew that Noel understood her particular brand of romantic idealism, and that he would have her back. And throughout their first season courtship and over the course of the show (with the exception of an out-of-character quickie marriage and divorce to the Doritos Girl in season 3), he remained a steadfast presence in her life.

    The Noel/Ben choice reached its most dramatic climax fairly early in the show’s run, at the end of the first season when Felicity has to choose between spending her summer break in Germany with Noel, or on a cross-country road trip with Ben. The season ends on a cliffhanger with Felicity — in slow motion of course — getting into a cab en route to an undisclosed destination.

    “I didn’t have to make a decision between Ben and Noel,” she tells Sally in voiceover. “But I did.”

    A decade and a half later, it’s not a spoiler to report that she chose Ben, and that in season 2, just a couple of episodes into their nascent romance, he broke her heart. This event launched the infamous hair chop, and a series of forgettable romances with randoms until Ben eventually wins her back by tracking down a copy of the movie that had been playing when he stood her up (Charlie Chaplin’s The Gold Rush). In his most swoon-worthy moment, he describes the film canister as a time machine that would allow them to rewrite their history.

    Photo: Tumblr
    Photo: Tumblr
    And that was the trick with Ben. He wasn’t a bad guy. He wasn’t cruel or dismissive, although he could often be thoughtless. He was a little too good looking; a person for whom things had always come a little too easily. He was someone we have all known, and probably dated at some point. Even in the midst of their on-and-off coupledom, he remained, on some level, tantalizingly unavailable.

    “You want something with me, but you’re not strong enough to have it,” Felicity tells him at the beginning of their relationship.

    She had a point because in the fourth season — after Felicity and Ben have graduated and moved to Palo Alto together for grad school — Ben cheats. This earnest and heartfelt drama then takes a bizarre turn into the supernatural when Felicity’s former roommate, Meghan, casts a spell that allows a devastated Felicity to travel back in time and live out an alternate reality where she chooses Noel instead. The storyline, which is just about as absurd as it sounds, sets off a sequence of events that results in Noel’s tragic death in a fire on campus, but Felicity is ultimately able to make things right by reversing the spell and returning to her life with Ben.

    It’s a deeply unsatisfying conclusion to a show that had dealt so thoughtfully with the college experience. At the end, we’re supposed to accept that she made her choice not necessarily because it was the right one, but because choosing Noel would directly lead to his untimely demise.

    But the fact that the Ben/Noel question still lingers is a testament to the viability of both characters. Unlike some other notable pop culture love triangles involving young people, Felicity’s choice never felt like a foregone conclusion. (By the end of their runs, was there anyone left who was still hoping that Joey would choose mopey Dawson over Pacey; that Katniss would pick volatile Gale over gentle Peeta; or thought there was a chance that Bella would end up with the werewolf instead of her creepily possessive vampire beau?) Felicity, for all its ’90s trappings, holds up as a contemplative and authentic portrayal of the coming-of-age experience and the choices that it presents. The power of the Ben/Noel divide was that neither felt like a plot device, but rather a choice between two valid real-life archetypes: the nice (albeit somewhat predictable) guy who adores you, or the soulful sort-of bad boy you’ll never be quite sure of.

    It’s also important to note that the choice between Ben and Noel has less to do with the guys themselves than it does with the girl doing the choosing. Each type has its own distinct appeal, perhaps depending on where a woman is in her life. A Ben who seems irresistible at age 20 may feel like more trouble than he’s worth at 30. A friend of mine recently noted that, if she were going to write a memoir of her dating life, she’d title it: Too Many Bens, Not Enough Noels.

    Although a staunch Noel devotee, when I rewatched the entire show recently, it was easier for me to understand the Ben appeal — possibly because I’m less self-serious about love now than when I was 17. Still, when I reached the end of the series, I had to conclude that my fundamental preference hadn’t changed. While Ben-girls will always crave the challenge and unpredictability, Noel-girls just don’t need that noise.

    It may seem like an over-simplification of the vagaries of love and attraction, but some things really are that straightforward. Just like with the Beatles and Elvis, at some point you have to make a choice. You can like both characters — think they’re both cute, admire their overlapping taste in flannels — but no one likes them both equally. And the one you choose says everything about you.

     4 ) 【转】A Highly Scientific Analysis of Ben vs. Noel



    Team Ben VS Team Noel


    Last week, Jenny reviewed a book about a girl who follows a guy to New York City, and most of us immediately thought, "OMG FELICITY!" Which then led me to the shocking realization that there are absolutely zero posts about Felicity on this blog, and that is an effing tragedy, you guys. Hello, it's one of the best YA TV shows ever, not to mention the fact that years later, I still feel like the characters are my real friends. And if you think that's sad, then I probably shouldn't tell you about how I have to go into every Dean & Deluca when I'm in NYC just to see if Javier is working that day. Y'all, I have SUCH a crunch on him.

    Speaking of crunches, I had a tough time deciding which facet of the show I wanted to write about today. I could analyze how insanely pretty Keri Russell is (SO PRETTY), or I could talk about the amazing evolution of Meghan as a character. Or perhaps I could tackle the bullshizz of Elena always getting the crappy storylines (I mean, sex with Professor Humperdinck? COME ON). But throughout all of the conversations that have ever occurred about Felicity, there's one question that always arises.

    And that question, my friends, is this: Are you Team Ben or Team Noel?

    That's right, before there was Edward vs Jacob, or Peeta vs Gale, there was Ben vs Noel. And it was a debate that raged fiercely through four years of Felicity's mothercussing indecision.

    Today, I'd like to settle that debate once and for all. And yes, I do realize the immensity of my task, which is why I'm employing our usual highly scientific methods of analysis. I'll be comparing Noel and Ben and awarding them points (out of 10) in several pivotal categories, and their total score will provide the definitive answer to this debate.

    So grab your lab coats and LET'S DO SOME SCIENCE.

    Noel: 7

    Noel exemplifies the finer virtues of sensitivity, and like our other fave sweetheart, Peeta, he even goes through a crazycakes period just so he can become more manly and badass. Deep down, though, he'll always be the nice guy, and while I find that adorable, it's the main reason why Noel will always be stuck in the Friend Zone. He's goofy and compassionate, but neither of those words spell SEXY.

    Ben: 8

    Ben can be a little aloof, and his impulsive behavior is frustrating as hell. But when you realize that he's overcoming some major family drama (more on that later), his grumpy demeanor becomes insanely charming. Speaking of charm, all the boy has to do is crinkle his eyes and smile, and I swear, a rainbow will shoot out of your chest and end in a pot of swoon. He's also surprisingly thoughtful and caring, and his loyalty knows no bounds. (I mean, have you MET Sean?)


    Noel: 7

    Just look at those puppy dog eyes! That excellent bone structure! Noel is definitely a handsome dude, and if that's how all of the "nerdy" RAs at NYU look, I totally went to the wrong college.

    Ben: 10

    The first time I saw Ben on screen, I was like, "Oh yeah, Felicity should DEFINITELY move to New York." And that was before I even knew what he wrote in her yearbook! The boy is FOINE, from his adorable grin to his totes toned swimmer's body. I still can't forgive the University of New York for canceling their swimming program, thereby robbing of us of more scenes featuring Ben in a Speedo. Damn you, fictional college!


    Noel: 2

    As far as I can remember (and I've seen this series many, many times in its entirety, because I believe in extensive research), the only tragic thing in Noel's past is his misfortune in dating a girl named Hannah who likes to pout her lips and play fugues. Of course, in real life, that turned into an even greater tragedy (Jennifer Garner, how could you?), but let's try to keep fiction and reality separated, ok people? We have an important debate to settle about our two potential boyfriends here!

    Ben: 7

    Ben's dad (RIP John Ritter) is an alcoholic, and Ben grew up supporting his mother and fighting against the possibility of turning into his father. It's the reason he doesn't always know how to handle his emotions, which not only makes us sympathize with him, it also gives me a great excuse to still be in love with him even when he's an asshole.

    Noel: 8

    Aside from the time he drank beet juice and went batshizz insane at the library, Noel treats Felicity with respect and adoration, the latter of which can be a little much at times but still, he's super considerate towards her. He clearly wants the best for her, and he's insanely supportive of her dreams, whether it's helping her study to be a doctor or collaborating with her on Loser Pet Store. Sure, he drops her for Hannah, but that's a typical freshman mistake*, and even after Felicity leaves him hanging at the airport and chooses Ben, Noel eventually forgives her and takes her back as a bestie. Definitely a good guy.

    *After publishing this analysis, I was corrected by fellow scholar Kate. Noel was a sophomore when he dumped Felicity, and therefore, he can't use freshman ignorance as an excuse. Consequently, he loses one point.

    Ben: 4

    We have now reached the Ben Handicap. Dude is TERRIBLE at being a boyfriend, or even a friend to Felicity. He's flaky and scared of his feelings, and he has major commitment issues. He'd sooner have an affair with a scary married catering lady (major cougs) or run off to the Hamptons with a spoiled rich girl (HATECHOO AVERY) than stay in a relationship with Felicity for more than a few months. The only reason he doesn't have a zero in this category is because, well, what goes around comes around. I mean, if some girl stalked you all the way to New York and then, like, looked at yr confidential college file and then re-wrote yr paper for a class and almost got you expelled, you'd be rushing to give her a restraining order, not a hug. Just sayin'.


    Noel: 4

    It's almost unfair to judge Noel in this category because being a clueless, awkward guy is part of his charm. And awkward guys are usually too busy being self-conscious to pull off anything romantic, although occasionally, they get lucky (hey-o!). Such is the case with Noel and his use of Boggle as foreplay. I gotta give the man some points for that.

    Ben: 10

    The silver lining to Ben being such a dick to Felicity is that he gets to make it up to her in super swoony, dramatic fashion. I mean, buying her the necklace was nice, but asking her to go on the road trip with him, out of nowhere? MEGA SIGH. And then there's the pice de résistance: presenting her with the film reels of the movie he missed in Bryant Park while earnestly begging her to give him another chance. Watching this scene always results in the strange physical phenomenon of my eyes filling up with tears while my lady parts fill up with lust. Ben, WHAT MAGIC YOU WEAVE.

    Noel: 6

    In order to account for every remaining variable, I felt it necessary to include this final category. Noel definitely has something special glimmering behind those amber eyes, and I would have ZERO problem breaking the "no RA/student relationships" rule with him.

    Ben: A MILLION

    I realize that number may seem ridiculous to you, but trust me, I'm a scientist. And Ben has earned every single one of those points. He just has that something... that swagger, that smile, the magnetism of thousands of high school crush objects rolled into one devastatingly hot, charismatic package. Without careful study of the show, it's easy to miss. Just ask my boyfriend, who thinks it's lame that I like "that dude from Underworld." Haters gonna hate, but I always understood why Felicity never got over Ben. It'd be like giving up Chimay for O'Doul's. It's just plain wrong.



    Let us total up the points, shall we?

    Noel: 34

    Ben: 1,000,039

    You can't argue with those numbers, folks, because numbers DON'T LIE. Noel put up a good fight, but we have a clear victor in this debate, and that champion is Ben Covington.


    Now that I've solved a mystery that's been baffling scholars for years, how about we celebrate with one of my favorite Ben scenes ever?


    然后底下是视频放送。。。Ben&Felicity --first kiss

     5 ) 2018.9.12

    很喜欢felicity的温和与坚定,虽然有时候有点自私,还傻的冒泡。 ben笑起来真的犯规啊,虽然很渣但真的很好看啊。 整个片子真的看的特别舒服,娓娓道来的感觉,清清冷冷,又很温暖。 "Dear Felicity, Here it goes, I've watched you for four years, always wondered what you were like, what was going on in your mind when you were so quiet, just thinking, drawing in your notebook. I should have just asked you, but I never asked you. So now, four years later, I don't even know you, but I admire you. Well, this makes me sound crazy, but I'm OK with that. So take care of yourself. Love Ben. PS, I would have said keep in touch, but unfortunately, we never were in touch."

     6 ) 一切都是巧合~~

        但一直很好奇,因为自己是在putclub的论坛上down下来的,可以想象出,当时的喜悦,看到众多英文原声资料的的兴奋,手指只是不停的点击download,名字内容也没有一一去对应。放到mp3里仔细聆听是在过后,却一时云里雾里,没有详细的标题,只有一个单“felicity”,i must say:i am confused。

    听上去似乎是一个女生给另一个女生“Sally”的信,另一个音频文件是一个男孩的对那个女孩子说的话,最后女孩说:"think about college is great it is,there’s something cruel
    about it.Yeah,i mean you dont know anyone when you get
    there.And all the sudden, you found yourself making connections and making friends and dating people,there's something incredible about it like anything is possible,and you go through years of that,and you get used to it.But the thing is,it's not real,because graduation comes,and whatever you've been walking towards,or whatever your plans are,just pulls you away, and if you're having,you know, a difficult time with the friends of yours, and he leaves,you dont have college any more to rely on to keep you together..."s
       虽然当时的我,没有看过电视,压根不知道这是一部电视剧,只是以为可能是npr的happy moment 节目,写一封信给你爱的人,这类似的节目。背景音乐很好,让我总是感觉沉浸在阳光中,不过确实第一次听到的时候是在4月的阳光里,坐在温暖的车厢中,周围人形形色色,我却沉浸在这段独白中,让我不仅感概我三年的大学生活。
       科技时代,我搜索下,终于知道,是一部清淡的美剧,到豆瓣上一看,喜欢她的人也关注“gilmore girl”,我想差不多了,我应该喜欢的。更何况这样看来的,应该叫felicity的这个女生,我已经很熟悉她的声音了。

      felicity的声音可以说已经十分熟悉,清脆,细腻的英语发音让我很惊讶,所以才会以为电视的音频会是广播里的节目,可以说真的没有什么嘈杂的,或许是我幸运,下载的几段声音里碰巧都是felicity的独白。终于看到了电视剧,很喜欢她,和我想像的差不多,原先幻想的是像natalie portman 一样的女孩,这样看来,女主角keri Russell也确实和她很像哈~~~
      更巧的是,当时看August Rush 时,非常欣赏那个拉大提琴的母亲,气质好的不行,再配上电影完美的配乐,这个女星很是吸引我。但当时不知道为什么看了后也没去深究,可能是当时的我没有这么刨根问底吧~~

     7 ) 剧透剧透强烈剧透 观后感 勿看 全是碎碎念

    👇第二集让我哭得稀里哗啦的 父母爱你 你爱父母 但是成长 想独立的过程 好像就是会伤到彼此 当你有了自己独立的想法 不再是跟在父母身边一切都想寻求帮助和庇佑的小屁孩 成年的过程让彼此渐行渐远 👇第三集 ben的笑容让人难以抵挡 felicity好击败啊 击击败败的 教授管她是谁啊 还跑去教授面前说are we ok? 在julie面前还先宣示主权号着ben。明明julie和ben人家两个人互有好感的。为什么编剧要写得这么令人难受啊😣。 👇第四集 md第四集一开始又变成女主往ben身上贴。第三集结尾julie不都告诉你ben天天约她,她为了你才不断拒绝ben嘛。怎么julie有愧疚心你就没有了,还好朋友呢,还是男人重要喽。就你能泡ben,julie泡他就不行呗。 编剧为什么搞julie!把她和ben写得不能在一起,又写了个粉红男出来搞她心态。wtf?编剧太狗了。noel居然有女朋友了 damn damn damn。 👇第6集 我靠女主深井冰啊 跑去自作主张改男主的论文 简直有毒 对男主的迷恋到心理变态了吧 好可怕😱 就像一个一个心理变态 天天跟踪你 偷拍你照片 把你穿过的衣服偷走 把你的朋友逼走 只有她一个人能占据你 md felicity就是搅屎棍啊 还算她有种承认自己的无语行径 ben快跑 靠近felicity会变得不幸她的爱太疯狂了你吃不消的快跑(好喜欢这部剧的打光 脸一般明一半暗 显得五官非常立体)。 👇第七集 我的帅哥ben连胡子都不刮了😭 👇第8集 死粉红男 刚出场的时候 julie说他两句电影的问题他就暴走 这集居然敢霸王硬上弓了 去死吧死粉红男。 👇第11集 felicity又搞幺蛾子 ben又不是你男朋友你宣示什么主权啊 julie和他在一起关你屁事啦 👇第12集 世纪难题 你发现朋友的对象出轨了要不要告诉他?


    看完了估计得难受个几天...不是说她就是我而是我能找到太多太多的共鸣之处 友情爱情和未完成的爱情 大学不就是这样吗 【真是新年的礼物呢真是太幸运了我看了这个

    • Sigma von Zeta
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    好早看的了 才找到

    • 星星
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    • mOco
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    和October road、everwood一种感觉,虽然故事设定在NYC,但就是ordinary people的normal life,平缓的流动着。我也是felicity吧。单纯鲁莽的举动,纠结的成长。ps.Noel好像巴拉克...F和N在一起之后就腻了...ps编剧想展现当代大学生可能遇到的种种问题又无奈主角数量有限,所以啥破事都摊上了是嘛。

    • Cheeky Monkey
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    • namine
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    • CherryYue
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    • Eowyn
    • 还行


    • 恶魔奶爸Sam
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    • musclekai
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    • 家明表姐
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    • ma ma girl
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    • dizzydancer
    • 还行

    Keri Russell好可爱~~突然发现这部剧特别冷…配乐很少,大家都是静静地说话,静静地冷…

    • Moss大妖
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    上半时偷偷看的,Keri Russell笑起来太美了。

    • 熊仔面
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    so moving. 死侍提到的剧,真的经典 ,最爱美剧,没有之一

    • 午后Ice Tea
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    • 怪力比多兽
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    • ==
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    这片子在十几年前估计非常经典 但在美剧业如此发达的情况下 我就没有继续看下去的冲动了

    • 木曜日一只
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    • Catherine
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    • 瓜。相信这个世界很变态。
    • 较差

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